Climate projects: Cutting-edge JI Manual

DEHSt publishes handbook for Joint Implementation projects

Nummer 013 / 2008 Date 2008.02.27

The German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has published a new manual offering guidance to project participants of Joint Implementation (JI) projects under the Kyoto Protocol. DEHSt is the German Designated Focal Point (DFP), the competent authority for climate protection projects with German involvement in all potential JI countries. The manual is designed both as a navigable document for online use and as a printable manual. To keep it up-to-date with international regulations, the most important information is incorporated in the text, while hyperlinks direct the user to the relevant websites of the UNFCCC secretariat for information likely to be changed. Always being up-to-date and self-refreshing, DEHSt’s JI manual is the first of its kind.

The manual contains some background information on the carbon market and Joint Implementation, but focuses on the concrete steps in carrying out JI projects. It offers guidance to project participants wishing to submit to DEHSt a request for endorsement or approval for JI projects. It will be accompanied by a special guidance for JI projects within Germany in the future (planned for March 2008) Furthermore, the manual includes a glossary of the most important terms related to the Kyoto Protocol’s project-based mechanisms.

More JI information is published on where the JI manual is also available for download.