Preparations for second trading period: Data collection ordinance enters into force today

Federal Environmental Agency hosts two informational events in August in Berlin

Nummer 043 / 2006 Date 2006.07.20

The ordinance on data collection for the National Allocation Plan in the second trading period 2008-2012, known as DEV 2012, enters into force today. DEV 2012 provides the legal foundation for collecting data channeled to the National Allocation Plan 2008 – 2012 (NAP II). The legislation has three objectives: firstly, it makes the 2003-2004 emissions data from installations participating in emissions trading known; secondly, it will help to accurately allocate the proper number of certificates to participating installations. This will allow a highly precise determination of what the reduction factor of allocations to operators is (the so-called achievement factor) before the Allocation Act 2012 is passed. Thirdly and finally, the allocation procedure in the second trading period will be temporally equalized, as data submitted early will be the basis for allocation. National data collection must, as stipulated by the European Union, be completed by 6 October 2006. The public authority responsible for data collection is the Federal Environmental Agency (UBA). Further details about data collection can be had from the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at UBA during two events scheduled for 10-11 August 2006 in Berlin.

During the 2008-2012 allocation period, NAP II provides for allocations of emissions certificates to existing installations based on average carbon dioxide emissions in the 2000-2005 (so-called base) period. As only a small share of the required data has been verified to date, lacking emissions information for the base period must still be collected. Emissions data already collected need not be re-submitted.

Data collection is obligatory for all installations required to participate in emissions trading. Installation operators who are subject to emissions trading for the first time as of 2008 participate in data collection on a voluntary basis. Such operators’ participation would help to achieve the objectives of data collection, especially the determination of the total number of certificates to be allocated to installations subject to emissions trading. Moreover, timely and complete cooperation will make time-consuming collection in 2007 unnecessary. Any additional proportionate cuts owing to overdrawn accounts (such as had to be made during the first trading period), can possibly be avoided by determining the so-called achievement factor under the Allocation Act 2012 based on the new data.

The procedures of data collection and submission of proof are largely identical to those of the 2004 allocation procedure and 2005 emissions reporting. DEHSt is currently developing appropriate data collection software by adapting the Form Management System (FMS) known in the emissions reporting procedure. As was the case in the 2005 emissions reporting period, the software will allow verification of the data by independent experts also
known to DEHSt as well electronic communication via the Virtual Post Office (German: VPS) between installation operators, experts, and DEHSt.
In the interest of informing all participants in a timely and user-friendly manner, DEHSt is hosting two informational events about DEV 2012, which will include a presentation of the software used in data collection:

  • for operators and associations on Thursday, 10.08.2006.
  • for expert appraisers on Friday, 11.08. 2006