Emission trading: Preparations for first accounting of carbon dioxide emissions in 2006

Informational event for specialists on 15 December in Berlin

Nummer 069 / 2005 Date 2005.11.29

Emission allowances for actual carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions produced in 2005 must be handed in for the first time in 2006. Participating businesses must therefore report on their real CO2 emissions. “Emission trading relies on high-quality credible data, including verification by independent specialists“, said Professor Dr. Andreas Troge, President of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The German Emission Allowance Trading Authority at the Federal Environment Agency (DEHSt) and the Institut für Sachverständigenwesen (IfS) are welcoming specialists to an informational event on preparing reports scheduled for 15 December 2005 in Berlin. Annual reports on actual CO2 emissions will decide whether businesses were dealt enough of the free allowances allocated at the beginning of trade in December 2004, can sell surplus allowances, or alternately, need to purchase additional allowances to meet their demand. Every report must be reviewed and tested by an independent verifier.

Businesses are obliged to submit emission reports for 2005 to the appropriate Laender authority by 1 March 2006. They must be verified by an independent specialist prior to that. “Preparations at the German Emission Trading Authority, the Laender authorities, and among operators and verifiers are moving ahead at full speed“, explained Dr. Hans-Jürgen Nantke, Director of DEHSt. The event on 15 December 2005 will provide verifiers with information about verification standards, the envisioned electronic mode of communication, and the status of coordination with the Laender authorities. Another area of focus will be the exchange of experience gained about verification during the 2004 allocation period.