EU Commission reviews results of national allocation procedures

Activation of national emissions trading registry pending EU Commission approval

Nummer 010 / 2005 Date 2005.02.28

Although Germany had made all the necessary preparations for the launch of the German emissions trading registry, there has been a delay in issuing the first tranche of emissions allowances to installations. This owes to the fact that the EU Commission has not completed its review of national allocation notifications. Once review has been concluded, accounts may be opened in the member states and allocated emissions allowances assigned to them. Activation of the registry was originally scheduled for today.

The German Emissions Trading Authority at the Federal Environment Agency (DEHSt) believes that the EU Commission’s review will be completed soon. Upon approval by the EU Commission, access of the German Emissions Trading Registry to the central registry at the European level (CITL) as a link to other national registries will be activated. Only then can accounts be set up. Immediately after this review, DEHSt will promptly complete any outstanding tasks. In particular, this includes opening accounts for installations participating in emissions trading and issuing emissions allowances to these participants.

The Federal Government sent the European Commission the national allocation table along with an explanatory report on 21 February 2005. This information is accessible on the DEHSt website. The report summarizes the outcome of the allocation procedure in Germany. Submission of the report by Germany met all the requirements for issuance of allowances on 28 February 2005 as scheduled in the Emissions Trading Directive. According to European regulations the EU Commission is to check whether the allocation of emissions allowances is in line with the German national allocation plan which it had approved in July, 2004. As this review is still in progress, issuance of allowances has been postponed.

The EU Commission has not yet approved activation of other European trade registries either.

Individuals and companies interested in trading in emissions allowances may apply to create an account with the German emissions trading registry and then participate in trading. The appropriate application forms are available from the DEHSt web site.