Start of European emissions trading in maritime transport | Update website and new FAQs (04)
Dear Readers,
As of 01/01/2024, the maritime transport sector has been part of the European Emissions Trading Scheme in accordance with the amendments made to the EU Emissions Trading Directive of 05/06/2023. In Germany, the upcoming amendment to the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG) will implement the amendments made to the EU Emissions Trading Directive. A draft bill will be prepared by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and submitted for consultation with the states (Länder) and associations as soon as possible following the initiation of an interministerial discussion.
Delays in the national legal implementation will not lead to disadvantages for shipping companies that are subject to reporting and surrender obligations. The monitoring obligations that apply to these shipping companies are regulated by the EU MRV Maritime Transport Regulation, which does not necessitate implementation into national law and can be directly applied.
Emission allowances for the CO2 emissions generated in 2024 must be surrendered to the Union Registry by 30/09/2025. The legal foundation for the Union Registry is the European Registry Regulation, which was adapted for maritime transport in December (Regulation (EU) 2023/2904). The opening of maritime operator holding accounts is scheduled for April 2024. Please refrain from enquiries up to then.
As the competent authority for the EU MRV Maritime Transport Regulation since 2018, we are also responsible for emissions trading. We will continue to keep you promptly well-informed about the progress of legislation, publication of guidance documents and FAQs as well as other current developments on our website, by our newsletter service and through our customer service.