Emissions trading in aviation: 2021 emissions reporting – Forms Management System (FMS) software is available (02)

Dear Reader,

Our Forms Management System (FMS), which aircraft operators use to prepare the 2021 emissions report in the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), is now available.

To register, go to ‘Forms Management System’ under Online Services on our website.

The legally binding deadline for submitting the 2021 emissions report is 31/03/2022.

Please submit the verified report before the deadline to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency via the Virtual Post Office (VPS).

When preparing the emissions report, please note that CO2 emissions from flights from the European Economic Area (EEA) to the United Kingdom are still subject to reporting and a surrender obligation in the EU ETS. However, CO2 emissions from flights to Gibraltar or overseas territories or other territories of the United Kingdom are exempt from this obligation. However, flights within the United Kingdom or from the UK to the EEA are subject to the UK Emissions Trading Scheme and must be reported there according to the applicable regulations.

Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, the German Emissions Trading Authority has decided that an approval of virtual site visits according to Article 34a AVR is not required for verification of 2021 emission reports. It is therefore up to the verifier to decide whether a virtual site visit is required, is possible and sufficient. In case a virtual site visit is carried out, information and evidence according to Article 34a (2 and 4) Accreditation and Verification Regulation is required.

On our website you can find the updated form for the notification which has to be filled out by the verifier and submitted by the operator via VPS, together with the emissions report. The DEHSt will review the provided information during the assessment of the operator’s emissions report. The verifiers were informed about our approach at the beginning of December 2021. If you have any questions about the performance of a virtual site visit, please contact your verifier.

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that aircraft operators with less than 3,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year (related to the reduced geographical scope) can make use of simplified reporting using the ETS Support Facility (Article 28a(6) Emissions Trading Directive). In this case, an additional verification and an adaptation of the monitoring concept is not necessary. Consequently, the simplified reporting is also suitable for aircraft operators that only report lower emissions temporarily due to the Corona pandemic. More information can be found here.