Emissions trading in aviation: update of the Form Management System (FMS) for monitoring plans (1)

Dear Reader,

The Form Management System (FMS) application for creating and processing your monitoring plans has been updated. The update was occasioned by the inclusion of CORSIA and changes in the 'Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1603 of COM of 18 July 2019' for the EU ETS which are now all mapped in the FMS. It is therefore no longer necessary to complete and submit a supplementary PDF form for approval, and the supplementary form published by DEHSt is no longer available via the DEHSt website. For backup purposes, you should continue to save your submitted supplementary forms on your computer.

Your data records created in the FMS have been retained during the update and you can find them as usual by accessing the website.

The update does not result in any direct need for action on your part; the previous approval of the monitoring plan remains in force. The next time you need or want to adjust your monitoring plan, the corresponding fields in the FMS must be completed again. Please note: an automatic data transfer from your supplementary form and does not take place.

In addition, please also note:

  • If the same methodology regarding density is applied for all aircraft types, you now have the opportunity to present this just once for the entire fleet. In this case, you no longer need to describe it for each aircraft type individually. Note that this deletes your previous density methodology entries and locks them for each aircraft type to prevent further entries.
  • If you want to change the methodology from method A/B to the simplified procedure or vice versa, we recommend that you backup your data in advance. Content that is no longer relevant after a change of methodology is automatically deleted and fields no longer needed are blocked for entry. You will also be informed of this in the FMS.

If you have CORSIA obligations towards Germany, resolving further queries on the scope of CORSIA is mandatory. These fields are blocked for aircraft operators who have their CORSIA obligation towards a state other than Germany.