German Emissions Trading Authority

2021-2030 monitoring plan

As the operator of an installation subject to emissions trading, you are obliged to determine and report your emissions based on the Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading Act (TEHG) and the Monitoring Ordinance (MVO). You must describe the monitoring methods in a plant-specific monitoring plan which is the basis for emission monitoring and reporting. For new installations, this must be submitted before greenhouse gas emissions are generated by the installation for the first time. The monitoring plan must be kept up to date on an ongoing basis.

Source: © Yurii Zushchyk -


The guidelines contain a description of the requirements for the monitoring methods and their presentation in the monitoring plan.

(Information available in German only.)

Manuals and help

For your monitoring plan, we provide acquisition software FMS (Forms Management System) which is designed to support you in compiling the required information and data. By using this system, the monitoring plans created will meet the requirements of the TEHG and MRR.

(Information available in German only.)

Go to Forms Management System

Other assistance

Further information about specific queries concerning the layout and interpretation of the European Monitoring Regulation (MRR) in Germany can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions. You can also use the following assistance.

(Information available in German only.)

Presentations and tutorials

We provide you with the presentation slides of the information event on 27/04/2023.

(Information partly available in German only.)

Requirements and first steps for the certification (10/05/2023, PDF, 17MB, accessible)

Mar­lene Deit­ersen, In­ter­na­tion­al Sus­tain­abil­i­ty & Car­bon Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (IS­CC)

Waste Fuels: Necessity and specifics of certification (11/05/2023, PDF, 4MB, accessible)

Thomas Sieg­mund, SUS­TAIN­ABLE RE­SOURCES Ver­i­fi­ca­tion Scheme GmbH (SURE)

Aufgaben der BLE und der Datenbank Nabisy (11/05/2023, PDF, 3MB, accessible)

Ni­na Gutsche und Thomas Kinkel, Bun­de­sanstalt für Land­wirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE)

Erste Erfahrungen mit der Zertifizierung – Praxisbericht einer Altholzanlage (11/05/2023, PDF, 2MB, accessible)

Bern­hard Vonier, Rit­ter und Vonier GmbH; Dr. Tilman Rilling, Pflei­der­er Deutsch­land GmbH

In addition, we have prepared an Excel support package for the preparation of uncertainty evidence (see C Other assistance). The following tutorials explain the structure and basic functions of the individual worksheets in this support package.

(Information available in German only.)

Introduction to the Excel support package for uncertainty calculation

Use of the worksheet ‘Method a)’

Use of the worksheet ‘Method b)’

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