German Emissions Trading Authority

General information

Companies marketing liquid fuels in Germany are subject to the statutory obligation to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of these fuels, 37a(1) and (4) of the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). The biofuel quota office (Hauptzollamt Frankfurt/Oder) checks compliance with the reduction obligation.

Since 2020, it is possible to offset upstream emission reductions against their obligation by surrendering UER-certificates. UER certificates are certified upstream emission reductions achieved in climate protection projects in the upstream oil and gas production sector (“UER projects”).

This compliance option is regulated in the Ordinance on the Offsetting of UER against the Greenhouse Gas Quota (UERV). Upon application to the German Environment Agency, a climate protection project can receive approval as an UER-project under precisely regulated conditions and issue UER certificates for the emission reductions achieved if the project and the emission reductions have been reviewed and confirmed by accredited validation and verification bodies.

Following the amendment to the UERV of 08/06/2024, this possibility of offsetting ends with the compliance year 2025. Project applications whose application documents have not been submitted in full to the German Environment Agency by 01/07/2024 will be rejected. The amendment also tightens the requirements that validations and verification bodies must observe when reviewing and confirming projects and emission reductions.


Deadline extension

Deadline extension

Greenhouse gas quota - deadline extension (available in German only)

For the obli­ga­tion year 2023, the dead­line for trans­fer­ring the UER cer­tifi­cates to the de­pre­ci­a­tion ac­count of the Up­stream Emis­sion­s­min­derung (UER) reg­istry ac­cord­ing to Sec­tion 4 num­ber 2 Up­stream Emission Re­duc­tion Or­di­nance (UERV) will be ex­tend­ed by two months to 30/08/2024.

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