National emission trading

The CO2 pricing of emissions, particularly in the fields of heating and transport, is a key climate protection instrument in Germany. Based on the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG) a national emission trading system will be introduced in Germany from 2021.


Information on nEHS

You can find an overview of the latest news, dates and publications on national emissions trading here. You can use the tab function to filter by category or use the button at the bottom of the box to display a complete overview.


Sales Report: October 2024

Dokumenttyp Publication , from: 27/11/2024

E-world energy & water 2025

Dokumenttyp Date , from: 26/11/2024

Termin im Zeitraum vom: 11/02/2025 - 13/02/2025

All about nEHS




Sales Report: October 2024

Dokumenttyp Publication , from: 27/11/2024

Sales Report: Third Quarter 2024

Dokumenttyp Publication , from: 25/10/2024

Quick guide to submit documents via the DEHSt Postbox

Dokumenttyp Publication , from: 04/10/2024

All publications on nEHS

In focus

These topics may currently be of interest to you.

Sale and trade

Category: nEHS , from: 12/01/2024

nEHS for heating and transport

Category: nEHS , from: 30/03/2023

Emissions trading rings up record revenues: More than 13 billion euros for climate protection

Category: Auctioning , from: 2023.01.03

Publication of the sales report for October 2024

Category: nEHS , from: 27/11/2024

Basic information

Understanding nEHS

With national emissions trading, Germany introduced another climate protection instrument in 2021 to reduce emissions, especially in the heating and transport sectors.

Information library

Our tasks are as varied as they are complex. That is why we would like to provide you with basic information and frequently asked questions here.

Press office

We actively engage with the press to communicate statutory tasks, results, findings and experiences to the general public. On request, we also arrange interviews and background talks with our experts.



Laws and regulations on national emissions trading. Available in German only.

Legal basis

Emissionshandels-Richtlinie 2003/87/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 13.10.2003 und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 96/61/EG des Rates (Stand: 01.03.2024)

Category: Legislation , from: 12/12/2024

Richtlinie 2003/87/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 13. Oktober 2003 über ein System für den Handel mit Treibhausgasemissionszertifikaten in der Union und zur Änderung der Richtlinie 96/61/EG des Rates (Text von Bedeutung für den EWR)

All legal basis

Any questions?

We have answers

In our FAQs you will find questions and answers on national emissions trading.

Source: © thanapun –
  • Accounts opened using the simplified account opening procedure for account holders with low fuel emissions are granted the ‘Surrender only’ status after opening. In contrast to the ‘Open’ status, this status only allows the receipt of nEZ, the entry of emissions and surrender transactions, but not transfers to other compliance or trading accounts.

    However, you can repeal this status by filing an application. To do this, first check whether you can submit an application to repeal the ‘Surrender only’ status. Then click on the name of the account holder > Actions (bottom right, cogwheel symbol) > Repealing the ‘Surrender only’ status. If you see a red cross on a person, details and/or verification documents are still missing. In this case, proceed as follows:

    1. The authorised representative and/or the account holder must log in if verification documents or information are still missing for this person. Click on the tab with your name at the top right.
    2. Change your registration under User information > Change registration. Deselect the option ‘Simplified account opening for low fuel emissions’, now insert missing data and verification documents.
    3. Please inform DEHSt about your registration change via the customer service. State the exact processing number of your registration change. This change number will be displayed after the registration change has been completed. It can also be found on your pdf confirmation.
    4. DEHSt must first confirm your registration changes and will then issue you with a clearance.
    5. After clearance has been given, please log in to the nEHS registry as an account holder. Go to Account holder > Actions > Repeal ‘Surrender only’ status. Enter your token and submit the application. If applicable, upload a signed application for repealing the status, insofar as the account holder has not been registered using ELSTER or the application has been submitted via an authorised representative.
  • You can click on ‘Reset password’ on the login page. You will then be asked for your login name and for confirmation using your token if you have already set up two-factor authentication. After you have confirmed your request, you will receive a new one-time password by e-mail, which you can then use for your login. You must immediately enter a new password the next time you log in.

  • Contact the registry administration directly with a request to reset your token. To verify your identity, please have the data you entered during registration ready.

All FAQs on nEHS

Further pages

Understanding nEHS

With national emissions trading, Germany introduced another climate protection instrument in 2021 to reduce CO2 emissions, particularly in the heating and transport sectors.

Source: © Art N More –

nEHS for heating and transport

The principle of national emissions trading is simple: for every tonne of CO2 that can be released when fuel is burned, an nEHS certificate must be surrendered.

Source: ©H Ko -


The law provides for various sanctions if those responsible do not fulfil this duty of disclosure or the duty to report, or do not do so on time.

Source: © / Fotolia

nEHS registry

The national emissions trading register is a database in which nEHS certificates are only generated and managed in electronic form.

Source: ©Rene Wechsler -

Sale and trade

There is an introductory phase so that you as a participating company can gradually adjust to the newly introduced national emissions trading system.

Source: ©Natee_Meepian -

Carbon Leakage

This carbon leakage risk should be avoided. You can therefore submit an application for aid.

Source: © -

EU ETS 1 offsetting

The double burden of national and European emissions trading can be offset under certain conditions.

Source: © steheap - Fotolia

Cases of hardship

In very exceptional individual cases, this may result in unreasonable hardship for an affected company. To compensate for this, you can submit an application for financial compensation.

Source: ©Monster Ztudio -

Evaluations and reports

The legal basis for national emissions trading (nEHS) provides for a number of reporting obligations. We, the German Emissions Trading Authority, are responsible for or support some of these mandatory reports.

Source: © tadamichi -

Reporting phase EU ETS 2 (2024-2026)

The European Emissions Trading System 2 (EU ETS 2) is a new independent system for buildings, road transport and other industries. In particular, companies already participating in the National Emissions Trading System (nEHS) will receive an initial overview.

Source: © robertdering -