nEHS for heating and transport

Last update 30/03/2023

The national emissions trading system (nEHS) started in Germany at the beginning of 2021, introducing the pricing of CO2 emissions, especially for the heating and transport sectors. The principle is simple: an nEHS certificate must be surrendered for every tonne of CO2 that can be released during fuel combustion. You can find out whether you are obliged to participate and what responsibility this entails on this page.

Source: ©H Ko -

Am I obliged to participate in the nEHS?

Legal basis at a glance

To the nEHS laws and regulations

According to the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG), all ordinary people and legal entities who are defined as energy tax payers in certain cases are obliged to participate in national emissions trading (nEHS) – even if the incurrence of the energy tax is followed by a tax exemption procedure. These are, for example, fuel wholesalers, fuel manufacturers with wholesale distribution who put fuels into circulation, and companies that import fuels into Germany, that means import them in the sense of the energy tax. In addition, companies that use coal tax-free in certain cases or operate waste incineration plants are also obliged.

Fuels such as petrol, gas oils, heating oils, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas have been covered by the nEHS since 2021, and numerous other fuels such as coal since 2023.

Please note the different time periods of the scope, emission determination and surrender obligation. The information about 2021 and 2022 is aimed at the obligated parties as per BEHG who have already been participating in the nEHS since 2021. New obligated parties as per BEHG will find information in the guideline and in the 2023 to 2030 scope.

Detailed information on the period from 2023

(partly available in German only)

Scope and emission determination in 2023 to 2030

Leitfaden: Anwendungsbereich sowie Überwachung und Berichterstattung von CO2-Emissionen im nEHS (2023-2030) (05/03/2025, PDF, 5MB, File meets accessibility standards)

Your obligations for participation in nEHS

Basically, as an obligated party, you have three main obligations, which are set out in the Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG):

Any questions?

If you still have questions, please contact our customer service in a timely manner. The volume of enquiries increases towards the end of application deadlines in particular, and with it the processing time.

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1. Create and submit a monitoring plan

A monitoring plan must be prepared for each trading period and submitted to us, the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt). It includes complete and transparent documentation of the monitoring methods for the fuels placed on the market by the obligated party as per BEHG in a calendar year. A monitoring plan must be submitted for the first time by 31/10/2023, for calendar year 2024 (see guideline chapters 5, 9 and 10).

2. Submit emissions report

The obligated parties must prepare an emissions report (EmB) based on their monitoring plan which reports on the fuels placed on the market and the resulting emission quantities of the previous year. To determine the emissions of a fuel placed on the market, the fuel quantity is multiplied by the corresponding calculation factors (including emission factor, calorific value, bioenergy share, etc.). The information in the emissions report must be verified by a certified verifier. You can only submit the emissions report via our DEHSt platform. We cannot accept postal or other digital channels (email, USB data carriers) (see guideline chapter 5).

3. Surrender nEHS certificates

The obligated parties are obliged to surrender nEHS allowances (nEZ) corresponding to the amount of fuel emissions they have reported. This means that one nEZ must be surrendered for each tonne of CO2. That then entitles the emission of that same tonne of CO2. To do this, they must open a compliance account in the nEHS registry. They can purchase these nEZs directly on the EEX or via an intermediary. The transfer of nEZ is made to the compliance account in the nEHS registry.

Note: The BEHG provides two mechanisms to prevent double charging by the European Emissions Trading Scheme 1 (EU ETS 1) and the national emissions trading scheme (nEHS). More information on this can be found in the scope and emissions determination section.

  1. Please download the guideline

  2. Order an electronic signature card and a reader (QES) (once only)

  3. Open a compliance account in the nEHS register (once only)

  4. Submit a monitoring plan

  5. Acquire nEHS certificates

  6. Emissions report

  7. Surrendering nEHS certificates

  8. Suspension of placing on the market

What do I have to do and when?


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  • Invitations to upcoming nEHS events
  • Information on updates and amendments to ordinances and regulations
  • Detailed information on specific focus topics and processes
  • Resources and further links

Information events

(available in German only)