Relief for small emitters 2021 to 2025

Last update 21/01/2025

If you operate a stationary installation where carbon dioxide emissions were below 15,000 tonnes per year in 2016, 2017 and 2018 respectively, it was possible to submit an application for exemption from certain emissions trading obligations as a small emitter for the period 2021 to 2025. In return, you had to commit to an equivalent measure.

Source: © LariBat –

Information for small emitters

The exemption of small emitters is envisaged pursuant to Article 27 of the Emissions Trading Directive. In Germany, Sections 16 et seq. of the Emissions Trading Ordinance 2030 (EHV 2030) implement the European regulation and specify the requirements and consequences for an exemption. The exemption primarily applies to the allowance surrender obligation pursuant to Section 7 of the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act (TEHG) for emissions in the 2021 – 2025 exemption period. Consequently, you, as a small emitter, are not obliged to surrender any allowances, but you also do not receive free allocations for this period pursuant to Section 23 TEHG. However, you must continue to report annually on the carbon dioxide emissions of your installation during the exemption period, with certain simplifications.

Information on the requirements and consequences of an exemption can be found in our guidance note 'Hinweispapier'.

If you, as a small emitter, had wanted an exemption in the 2021 – 2025 allocation period, you would have had to submit your application to us by 29/06/2019. Unfortunately, it is not possible to submit this application after this deadline, e.g. now.

Relevant clearing price of the auctions for the 2024 reporting year

Within the framework of their chosen equivalent measure, small emitters are obliged to calculate the compensation or the excess amount to be paid annually themselves and to pay it, unprompted, to the account specified in the exemption notice by 30/04/2025 at the latest.

Please ensure that the amount to be paid is transferred to the account of the German Emissions Trading Authority by 30/04/2025.

The average volume-weighted clearing price of the auctions was

83.68 euros for the 2023 calendar year and

65.01 euros for the 2024 calendar year.

The lower of these two clearing prices should be taken into account when calculating the compensation and excess amounts pursuant to Section 19(2)(2) and Section 20(4)(2) EHV 2030 in conjunction with Section 10 TEHG. Consequently, the relevant average volume-weighted clearing price of the auctions for the 2024 reporting year is

65.01 euros.

Details of the calculation of the compensation and excess amount can be found in our guidance note 'Hinweispapier' on the exemption of small emitters under Section 16 of the Emissions Trading Ordinance 2030.

This publication does not apply to the relevant price to be shown on fuel suppliers’ invoices according to the Carbon Dioxide Cost Sharing Act. For information regarding the Carbon Dioxide Cost Sharing Act please visit our pages "National emissions trading".