2021-2030 emissions report

Last update 17/02/2025

As an operator, you must determine the annual emissions of the installation based on the installation-specific monitoring plan and the Monitoring Ordinance (MVO) and present them in an emissions report. You must submit this report to an accredited verifier for confirmation before sending it to us by 31/03 of the following year.

Source: © Andrey Popov - stock.adobe.com


Guideline ‘Leitfaden zur Erstellung von Überwachungsplänen und Emissionsberichten

The emissions determined, confirmed and reported from the installation in the previous calendar year form the basis for your ‘settlement’, i.e. the surrender of emission allowances for the reporting year in the respective following year.

Leitfaden zur Erstellung von Überwachungsplänen und Emissionsberichten für stationäre Anlagen in der 4. Handelsperiode (2021 bis 2030) (20/01/2025, PDF, 15MB, File meets accessibility standards)

(available in German only)

Guideline ‘Zusammenwirken von EU-ETS 1 und nEHS

Double charging of fuel emissions for installations within the scope of EU ETS 1 should, as far as possible, already be avoided through advance deduction in accordance with section 7(5) in conjunction with section 17 EBeV 2030. In cases where this is not possible, EU ETS 1 installation operators can offset the double charges that cannot be avoided in advance through subsequent compensation in accordance with Section 11 (2) in conjunction with the BEHG Double Balancing Ordinance (BEDV). The guideline ‘Interaction between the European Emissions Trading System and national emissions trading’ describes both mechanisms and provides instructions on how to complete the additional forms in the Form Management System (FMS).

Leitfaden: Zusammenwirken EU-ETS und nEHS 2023 bis 2030 (13/01/2025, PDF, 3MB, File meets accessibility standards)

(available in German only)

Manuals and help

For your emissions report, we provide you with the already familiar data entry software FMS (Forms Management System). Since the emission report can only be created on the basis of a monitoring plan, you will not find an XML interface here.

(Some of our documents are available in German only.)

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