2021 to 2025 methodology plan

Last update 19/12/2023

The EU Allocation Regulation (EU Allocation Regulation) for the fourth trading period sets out detailed requirements for data collection and monitoring methods.As an installation operator, you are obliged to enclose a monitoring methodology plan with your allocation application. In the "methodology plan", you set out the methods for determining the data for the annual allocation data report to be submitted in the following year.

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As with the monitoring plan for emissions reporting, the methodology plan must be kept up to date throughout the trading period. In accordance with Article 9 of the EU Allocation Regulation, installation operators must regularly check whether the methodology plan still reflects the current situation in the installation or whether the plan needs to be improved. You must notify DEHSt of any changes using the FMS applications Allocation application or Allocation data report.


Guideline Part 2: General allocation rules for incumbents

Chapters 3 and 4 of Guideline Part 2 present the rules for monitoring relevant allocation data and the basis for creating and improving a methodology plan.

Leitfaden Zuteilung 2021-2030: Teil 2 (available in German only)

Allocation Guideline Part 5

This part of the Guideline also contains an updated overview of the rules for monitoring relevant allocation data and the basis for creating and improving a methodology plan (cf. Chapters 3 and 4 of Guideline Part 2).

Information and guidance should be consulted whenever there are changes in the installation or in the methods used to collect relevant allocation data, and during the regular review of the methodology plan.

Leitfaden Zuteilung 2021-2030: Teil 5 (available in German only)

Presentations about innovations in the monitoring and acquisition of relevant allocation data

The information event ‘Innovations in monitoring plans and the monitoring and acquisition of relevant allocation data’ announced for 14/05/2020 was cancelled. The information that was to be presented regarding previous experience from the review of the methodology plans is now made available here.

Further information available in German only

Bisherige Erfahrungen aus der Prüfung der Methodenpläne

Anpassung der Zuteilung wegen Produktions- und anderen Betriebsänderungen