
Surrendering of Allocances and Cancellation of Carbon Offset Credits

Last update 20/02/2024

Aircraft operators must surrender allowances in the German part of the Union Registry for their EU ETS 1-relevant emissions from the previous year by 30/09 of each year at the latest. This is based on the emissions report submitted to the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt).

Source: © NINENII –

Surrendering, Cancellation and Sanctioning

Aircraft operators can use the following types of European allowances for surrendering in the EU ETS 1:

  • European Aviation Allowances (), also called EUAA or EU Aviation Allowances.
  • Stationary emissions trading () Allowances (EU Allowances, General Allowances).
  • Swiss air transport Allowances (CHUA, according to the linking agreement)
  • Swiss stationary emissions Allowances (CHU, according to the linking agreement)

On October 1st every year we check the status of compliance based on emissions reporting. If insufficient allowances have been isurrendered, a penalty payment of 100 euros (plus the increase in the European Consumer Price Index for the respective reporting year compared to the reference year 2012) may be imposed for each missing allowance. The missing allowances still have to be surrendered.

From October 1st every year, alsothe compliance status for each aircraft operator in accordance with the EU Regulation,is displayed in the public part of the EUTL (European Union Transaction Log).

Under , the obligation to cancel offsets exists at the end of each compliance period. For emissions in the compliance period 2021 to 2023, aircraft operators must cancel the amount of units set by the DEHSt in a notice by 30/11 for the previous year by the end of 31/01/2025 and for emissions in the compliance period 2024 to 2026 by the end of 31/01/2028. The DEHSt also informs aircraft operators in the first and second year of an compliance period about the expected annual cancellation obligation.

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Union Registry


European Union Transaction Log