Transitional Registry and CBAM Declarant Portal

The CBAM Transitional Registry is the European Commission’s electronic database for CBAM reporting during the transitional period. The CBAM declarant portal, which is part of the Transitional Registry, is where the CBAM reports are submitted.

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CBAM: National Service Desk

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Transitional Registry and CBAM Declarant Portal

The CBAM Transitional Registry is a standardised and secure electronic database that contains common data elements for reporting during the transitional period and enables communication, verification and information exchange between the European Commission, competent authorities, customs authorities and declarants subject to a reporting obligation. The European Commission provides the CBAM Transitional Registry.

The CBAM Transitional Registry consists of several common IT components. These include the CBAM declarant portal, the CBAM portal for competent authorities and access management for CBAM users. Further information can be found on the European Commission’s CBAM site.

EU Commission’s CBAM website

Taxation and Customs Union: Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

How can I get access to the CBAM Declarant Portal?

In Germany, access is managed through the customs portal. A detailed description of how to access the CBAM portal for entrepreneurs can be found on the help pages of the customs portal.

German customs portal (available in German only)

Hilfeseiten des Zoll-Portals

Using the CBAM declarant portal

The CBAM transitional registry user manual describes the use of the CBAM portal in detail. It provides instructions on how to create, edit and submit reports. It also describes how you can prepare the data as an XML structure in order to import it into the CBAM portal. A report is then automatically created from the data. You can download an example in zip format and the XSD structure. The XLS file can be used to help you fill in the CBAM quarterly reports using XML files. The XLS file specifies which fields are optional or mandatory and contains the predefined values that are permitted for certain boxes.

We try to keep the links up to date. However, as CBAM is still new, there are often changes on the European Commission's website that make the links out of date. In this case, we would be happy to hear from you.

User manual for declarants

Transitional CBAM Registry user manual for Declarants

"CBAM Quarterly Report structure" and "CBAM Quarterly Report sample file" by the EU Commission

CBAM Quarterly Report structure XSD and “stypes.xsd” (ZIP format)

CBAM Quarterly Report sample file for representatives

CBAM Quarterly Report sample file for importers

CBAM Quarterly Report structure (XLS format)

Guidance for declarants

Guidance for declarants - “Request Delayed Submission”


CBAM: E-learning courses

Course Video - Quarterly Report XML Upload Tutorial