Forms Management System

Last update 29.02.2024

The Forms Management System (FMS) is a server-based web application and users can access it via the internet. It implements reports, notifications and applications in European emissions trading and national emissions trading in compliance with the written form requirement and supports participants in their preparation. This site provides general information, manuals, FAQs and further assistance to the FMS.

Source: ©Rymden - AdobeStock

What is the Forms Management System (FMS)?

The Forms Management System (FMS) is a server-based web application for applications, reports and notifications. It supports participants in European and national emissions trading with completion instructions and input validation to submit forms that are as error-free as possible. In addition, external customers can use it to submit data to us. All partners involved in the preparation can access this data together via a secure internet connection.

Our FMS applications meet all requirements for the content and structure of the required emissions reporting and monitoring plans. Modern features facilitate data entry while ensuring high data quality. Features include preset catalogues or logical dependency checks.

Our customer service provides you with detailed manuals and FAQs, offers information sessions as well as telephone support. Please note that in addition to general assistance, there may also be enforcement assistance. These are named accordingly.

The use of FMS applications for electronic communication is required by law for our enforcement procedures.

The link below will take you to the FMS web application. If you are not registered yet, we recommend our video tutorial for a smooth registration process.

To the web application (available in German only)

Forms Management System


Initial registration in the FMS

Our video tutorial will help you register for the initial time in the Forms Management System (FMS) (available in German only).

Tutorial: Registrierung im Formular Management System (FMS)

Videobeschreibung, zur schrittweisen initialen Registrierung im Formular Management System (FMS). Produktion: Music: Alex Cristoforetti from Pixabay

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

  • You can check in the overview of your data sets in the column ‘Editor’ for who is holding the editing rights. Please inform the user about this and let them know your alias. They can then return the editing rights to you.

    • Check whether you have chosen the correct application.
    • Check whether the file is an XML file. Only XML files can be imported.
    • Check the file path and the file name.
    • Check whether you have selected the correct XML file. When importing data sets from the previous year, you must pay attention to the reporting or application year. The application which was used to create the XML file can also be seen in the name of the file.
  • A checksum error during an import indicates that the XML file was changed after export from the FMS. In this case, a note appears. However, the import will still be carried out fully. Contact the sender of the file to point out the subsequent change.

  • The data entry software only supports the import of XML files whose formats correspond to the defined specifications for the data sets created with this application. You may have tried to import a file that does not conform with the valid structures. Please check your selection.

    • Please check whether the data set in which you want to create a form is in edit mode. No further forms can be created in read mode. The use of edit mode is explained in more detail in Section 4.9 of the manual.
    • Some forms can only be filled out under relevant specialist constellations. These can then only be created depending on entries already made. These Guidelines can give you information on how to proceed.
    • Basically, sub-forms can always be created at the higher level. Open the higher-level form. Above the directory tree you will find relevant buttons for creating the forms. More information can be found in Section 4.3.3 of the manual.
    • Please check if the data set is in edit mode. Forms cannot be deleted in read mode. The use of edit mode is explained in more detail in Section 4.9 of the manual.
    • Check if the form is open. If the menu item ‘Delete’ appears in the directory tree’s submenu, the form can be deleted. Originally created forms cannot be deleted.
    • Check whether you currently have the editing rights. In the overview of your data sets in the column ‘Editor’ you can check who has the editing rights.
    • Set the data set to editing mode and press ‘Check’. The window will be loaded. The use of the editing mode is explained in more detail in Section 4.9 of the manual.
    • If the window still does not appear, there are no more errors in the data set.
    • Check that all mandatory fields are filled in and that the values entered do not contain any errors. Please also note that some forms comprise several pages where entries are also expected.
    • Click on the error message in the check window. The relevant form is called up and the cursor automatically jumps to the field that is still empty or contains errors.
  • The entries are rounded to a specified number of decimal places within the reporting software. Please re-check the calculation using the values that may have been rounded by the reporting software. If the result still differs, please contact our customer service.

    • Check whether you currently have the editing rights. In the overview of your data sets in the column ‘Editor’ you can check who has the editing rights.
    • Please check if the data set is in edit mode. Files cannot be attached in read mode. The use of edit mode is explained in more detail in Section 4.9 of the manual.
    • Check that the file to be attached conforms to the permissible file formats.
    • Check that the permissible file size is not exceeded.
    • Check that the permissible number of documents is not exceeded.
    • For more information on attaching documents, see Section 4.6.1 of the manual.
  • If you attach two documents with the same name, the software automatically assigns a sequential number that is appended to the file name as an extension.

  • If the file name contains special characters or umlauts, the document cannot be opened. Please attach the document again with a changed file name.

    • If you have a problem with the Forms Management System (FMS) despite the help provided, please contact our Customer Service with the following information. You can reach them by phone on workdays from 10:00 to 15:00 hours or by email.
    • Screenshot of the error message
    • Which application is affected?
    • On which form and field did the error occur?
  • A user account can only be deleted if there are no more data sets associated with your account. Please note that your user account is valid for several applications and therefore there may no longer be a data set in any of these applications. For more information, please refer to Section 3.1.4 of the manual.

    • Check whether there is a continuous Internet connection.
    • For information on system requirements, see Section 2.2 of the manual.
    • The user ID already exists. In this case, the ‘User ID’ field is marked in red. Choose a new user ID.
    • The two passwords do not match. Repeat the entry.
    • The alias already exists. In this case, the field ‘Alias’ is marked red. Please choose a new alias.
    • For more information and help on registration, please refer to Section 3.1 of the manual.
    • Check the user ID and password.
    • In the case of prolonged inactivity on the login page, you must refresh the page via the ‘Refresh’ icon in your internet browser and repeat the login.
    • For more information, see Section 3.2 of the manual.
    • If you have forgotten your password, please use the ‘Forgot your password’ function. For more information, please refer to Section 3.1.2 of the manual.

    • Check if your data browser has multiple pages within the FMS. A maximum of 15 applications are displayed on one page. Data sets that you have not created or imported and for which you do not have the editing rights also do not appear in your data browser.
    • Refresh the data browser via the ‘Refresh view’ button.
    • You will find a detailed description of the data browser in Section 4.2 of the manual.
  • Check whether Java Script is activated on your computer.

    • Please check if the data set is in edit mode. No entries can be made in read mode. The use of edit mode is explained in more detail in Section 4.9 of the manual.
    • Fields outlined in dark blue can usually be filled in directly. Exceptions are conditional fields, which may only be filled in depending on a previous answer. For this, check the information in the guideline.
    • Light grey fields are usually filled in automatically.
    • If an entry is still not possible, check in the data browser whether you have the right to edit the data set. Further information on editing rights can be found in Section 4.7 of the manual.
  • A deleted data set cannot be restored by the system. If you have previously exported the data set as an XML file, you can import it again.

  • You can download the exported datasets 24 hours after creation in the download area. For more information on exporting, see Section 4.6.2 of the manual.

  • The use of manual line breaks in text fields can cause page breaks to appear in the text of a field in the PDF file.

    Remedy: Delete the relevant line breaks in the form and create the PDF file again.

    The duplication of form pages is purely a cosmetic error and has no influence on the further processing of the data in a data set.

    • Check that the recipient's alias is correct.
    • Check whether you currently have the editing rights as only then can you transfer them. For more information on transferring the editing rights, see Section 4.7 of the manual.
    • Check if the pop-up blocker of your internet browser is deactivated. PDF files can only be opened if this is inactive.
    • Check whether Acrobat Reader is installed on your computer.
  • Check the setting ‘Do not save encrypted pages to disk’ in your internet browser. Remove the tick. It is recommended to set the tick again after closing the FMS software.