Getting to know the German Emissions Trading Authority

We are part of Division V of the German Environment Agency.

The German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency (UBA) is the competent national authority for implementing the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and National Emissions Trading Scheme (nEHS). To make emissions trading an ecological and economic success, we work closely together with our clients. In addition, we are the point of contact for international climate protection projects and issues relating to the voluntary carbon market. 

Source: Shutterstock

Our aims


If you want to visit or write to us:

Deutsche Emissionshandelsstelle (DEHSt)

City Campus - Haus 3, Eingang 3A
Buchholzweg 8
13627 Berlin


Our goal is to make emissions trading an ecological and economic success. In this way, we are making a significant contribution to achieving the German government's ambitious climate protection goals. By 2045, the same amount of greenhouse gas emissions is to be captured as is emitted in order to limit the rise in average global temperatures to 1.5 degrees.

As an enforcing authority, we operate in the space between climate protection, policy consulting and knowledge transfer: we implement the political framework and work closely together with the companies whose installations, aircraft, ships or fuels are subject to emissions trading. We support the work of verifiers and are also the contact point for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, the states (Länder) and the competent state immission control authorities. Nationally and internationally, we participate in the further development of emissions trading and are also the national approval body for climate protection projects carried out under the Framework Convention on Climate Change in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol.

Our employees are committed to the German Environment Agency’s mission statement.

Our tasks

European emissions trading

We, the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency (UBA), have been the competent national authority for implementing the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) in Germany since 2004.

Our tasks in connection with the implementation of emissions trading include the allocation of emission allowances and the management of the auctioning of emission allowances in Germany as well as the monitoring of the annual emissions reporting and the surrender of the required emission allowances. We also implement account management for all accounts in the German part of the EU Emissions Trading Registry (Union Registry) and monitor independent verifiers in the verification of emission data.

National emissions trading

Since 2021, national emissions trading (nEHS) has supplemented the EU ETS at national level to include the heat and transport sectors.

Analogous to the EU ETS, the DEHSt is also tasked with the implementation of the nEHS. In addition to account management in the nEHS registry, this also includes the enforcement of reporting and responsibility for the sale of nEHS certificates.

Climate protection projects, MRV Maritime Transport Regulation, Upstream Emissions Reduction Regulation

We are competent for the approval and monitoring of climate protection projects under the Kyoto Protocol as well as for enforcement under the Upstream Emissions Reduction Regulation. We are also the penalty imposing authority for the national enforcement of the MRV Maritime Transport Regulation.

Electricity price compensation

We are responsible for approving and paying state aid to electricity-intensive companies to compensate for indirect CO2 costs (electricity price compensation).

Reporting obligation and further development

In the interest of transparency, we fulfil national and international reporting obligations and participate in the further development of emissions trading systems and international climate protection agreements (Paris Agreement).

We also support numerous non-EU countries that want to establish their own emissions trading. Workshops and visits by delegations help with the international exchange of information.

Electronic communication and customer service

All enforcement procedures for which we are responsible are fully software-based and handled electronically. Companies are also supported by rigorous communication and a dedicated customer service for all questions related to emissions trading. 

Organisation chart

DEHSt is located in Berlin and is part of Division V – Climate Protection, Energy, German Emissions Trading Authority. It comprises the Departments V 2 ‘Industrial Installations, Emissions Reduction Projects, Customer Service and Legal Affairs’, V 3 ‘Energy Installations, Aviation, Registry and Economic Aspects’ and V 4 ‘Fuel Emissions Trading and Information Technology’.

DEHSt's structure

DEHSt in figures